Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone number * What town do you live in and whats your postcode? * Why are you interested in participating at Seed? (select all that apply) Access to fresh vegetables. Community involvement/socialising. Recreation. Learn more about gardening. Save money. Enjoy gardening. Other.. If other please specify Please describe your gardening experience and knowledge? What role/s would you be interested in? (Select all that apply) Growing veggies & herbs for our Community Shared beds Keeping our Seed site looking great (gardening, weeding and odd jobs) Helping with events (bumping in activities, pizza and sausage sizzle cooking) Other... If other please specify How many hours a week can you spend at the Seed Garden? Please select Less than 2 hours a week 2-4 hours a week 5-7 hours a week 8-10 hours a week More than 10 hours a week How often would you visit the Seed Garden to volunteer? (Select all that apply) Daily basis. Once or twice per week. Mornings (sometime between 8am to 11am). Afternoons (sometime between 12pm to 4pm). Evenings (sometime between 4pm to 8pm). Weekends. Social Activities. Other.. If other please specify Are you able to be contacted to follow upon the information you have given us? * Yes No If yes, what is the best way to contact you? Email Phone Either Thank you!